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ÀúÀÚ | ¹ßÇà³âµµ | Á¦¸ñ | Àú³Î¸í | ±ÇÈ£, ÆäÀÌÁö | Impact Factor | SCI |
C.-W. Choǁ, Y. Zhaoǁ, Y-S. Yun* (Co-first author) | 2019 | QSAR modelling for predicting adsorption of neutral, cationic, and anionic pharmaceuticals and other neutral compounds to microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in aquatic environment | Water Research | 151, 288-295 | 7.051 | O |
Y. Zhao, Shuo Lin, J.-W. Choi, J. K. Bediako, M.-H. Song, J.-A. Kim, C.-W.Cho*, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-corresponding author) | 2019 | Prediction of adsorption properties for ionic and neutral pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical intermediates on activated charcoal from aqueous solution via LFER models | Chemical Engineering Journal | 312, 199-216 | 6.735 | O |
Y. Zhao, J.-W. Choi, J. K. Bediako, M.-H. Song, S. Lin, C.-W. Cho*, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-corresponding author) | 2018 | Adsorptive interaction of cationic pharmaceuticals with activated charcoal: Experimental determination and QSAR modeling | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 360, 529-535 | 6.434 | O |
J.-W. Choi, Y. Zhao, J. K. Bediako, C.-W. Cho*, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-corresponding author) | 2018 | Estimating environmental fate of tricyclic antidepressants in wastewater treatment plant | Science of the Total Environment | 634, 52-58 | 4.610 | O |
C.-W. Cho, S. Stolte, Y-S. Yun* | 2018 | Validation of QSAR models for partitioning coefficients of ionic liquids in octanol-water and development of a new LFER model | Science of the Total Environment | 633, 920-928 | 4.610 | O |
C.-W. Choǁ, J.-S. Parkǁ, Y. Zhao, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-first author) | 2017 | Quantitative analysis of adsorptive interactions of ionic and neutral pharmaceuticals and other chemicals with the surface of Escherichia coli cells in aqueous environment | Environmental Pollution | 277, 8-14 | 4.358 | O |
C.-W. Cho, S. Stolte*, Y.-S. Yun* | 2016 | Comprehensive approach for predicting toxicological effects of ionic liquids on several biological systems using unified descriptors | Scientific Reports | 6, 33403 | 4.122 | O |
C.-W. Choǁ, S. B. Kangǁ, S. Kim, Y.-S. Yun, S. W. Won* (Co-first author) | 2016 | Reusable polyethyleneimine-coated polysulfone/bacterial biomass composite fiber biosorbent for recovery of Pd (II) from acidic solutions | Chemical Engineering Journal | 302, 545-551 | 6.735 | O |
S. Y. Lee, S. Krishnamurthy*, C.-W. Cho*, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-corresponding author) | 2016 | Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticles using Ocimum sanctum extracts by solvents with different polarity | ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering | 4(5), 2651-2659 | 6.140 | O |
C.-W. Cho, J.-S. Park, S. Stolte*, Y.-S. Yun* (Co-corresponding author) | 2016 | Modelling for antimicrobial activities of ionic liquids towards Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans using linear free energy relationship descriptors | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 311, 168-175 | 6.434 | O |
C.-W. Cho, T. P. T. Pham, S. Kim, M.-H. Song, Y.-J. Chung, Y.-S. Yun* | 2016 | Three degradation pathways of 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium cation by activated sludge from wastewater treatment process | Water Research | 90, 294-300 | 7.051 | O |